Welcome to the Cryosphere Lab

As part of the Earth and Environmental Sciences Programme at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), our research group studies the cryosphere, namely the earth’s surface where water is frozen.

We use a wide range of methods, including geophysics, geodesy, remote sensing, and deep learning. We adopt new tools, develop new algorithms, make new observations to quantify the dynamics of the cryospheric systems (see our current research on the Greenland Ice Sheet and glaciers and frozen ground).

We are recruiting new PhD students and one postdoc (see Openings) !


March 4 2024

Joe's manuscript on the very first comprehensive inventory of rock glaciers over the Tibetan Plateauu is posted as a discussion paper in Earth System Science Data Discussion.

August 26 2023

Yan's paper on combined use of InSAR and deep learning for mapping rock glaciers published in JGR Earth Surface!

August 10 2023

Carol successfully defended her PhD dissertation! Congratulations to Dr. Xu!

August 1 2023

Wenson (Bill) Zhang joined our group as a new PhD student to work on Greenland Ice Sheet hydrology. Welcome, Bill!

July 3 2023

Joe received the Ernst Mach Grant fellowship from Austria's Agency for Education and Internationalisation for his research visit to TU Graz. Congratulations!

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